(Última actualização: 29.7.2020)

Crises como a que vivemos neste momento, causada pelo coronavírus/COVID-19, têm um impacto significativo também na vida dos trabalhadores independentes. Os profissionais da cultura, muitos dos quais vivem num contexto de extrema precariedade, serão particularmente afectados. O cancelamento ou adiamento das iniciativas culturais, absolutamente necessários para conter a propagação do vírus, terão consequências muito sérias nas suas vidas.

Este é um momento em que temos de repensar as nossas práticas, considerar as nossas responsabilidades (colectivas e individuais, políticas e de cidadania), encontrar formas de apoiar o sector e de mostrar solidariedade.

A Acesso Cultura reúne aqui informações sobre iniciativas e recursos disponibilizados em vários pontos do mundo.

Nesta página pode encontrar: informações sobre medidas de apoio tomadas em Portugal e noutros países; recursos e orientações; informações sobre campanhas, manifestos e abaixo-assinados em vários países; links para algumas iniciativas específicas online; artigos de opinião e notícias sobre a pandemia e o sector cultural.

1. Recursos e orientações

Association of Independent Museums (AIM): UK government and sector advice

Association of Children’s Museums (ACM): Resources to Help Guide Your Museum’s Response to Coronavirus

Célia Sousa (ESECS/CRID/CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria/Politécnico de Leiria), Adaptação para escrita simples e com pictogramas das recomendações para visitantes de museus

Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, Online meeting accessibility

CINARS, International Survey On The Impacts of COVID-19 On Performing Arts International Mobility 

Colleen Dilenschneider, What Will Make People Feel Safe Attending a Cultural Entity Again?

Colleen Dilenschneider, Exposed by COVID-19: Three Cracks in Cultural Entity Operations to Repair for Reopening (DATA)

Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends, Comparative overview: financial measures and COVID-19

Counterpoints Arts, Artists in lockdown

COVID-19 and freelance artists resources

COVID Creatives Toolkit

Creating New Futures: Working Guidelines for Ethics & Equity in Presenting Dance & Performance

Creative Scotland, Resource Directory for Covid-19

Creatives Unite

Culture Counts, Act 2: National Audience Research (UK)

Decision House, ALVA Attractions Recovery Tracker

Direcção Regional de Cultura do Alentejo, Boas práticas para a reabertura de museus, palácios, monumentos, sítios arqueológicos e outros espaços de natureza cultural na região do Alentejo

DGLAB, Recomendações de boas práticas na reabertura das bibliotecas da Rede Nacional das Bibliotecas Públicas durante a pandemia da COVID-19

ECSITE, COVID-19 resources: plans and guidelines for reopening

ECSITE webinar, Audience research and COVID: opportunity or obstacle?

ECSITE webinar, Equity & diversity: supporting an inclusive response to the corona crisis

European Cultural Foundation, Culture of Solidarity

Fun Palaces, Tiny revolutions of connection

HEVA, COVID-19 resilience: Creative Industry Options and Strategies

ICOM, Let’s talk (digital) inclusion

ICOM, How to reach your public remotely

ICOM/OECD, Webinar: impact, innovations and planning for post-crisis

ICOM Portugal, 25 recomendações para a reabertura dos museus

IETM, Performing arts in times of the pandemic: status quo and the way forward

IETM, Live arts in the virtualising world

Ilenia Atzori, Museums re-opening (padlet)

Museums Association, Covid-19: the ethics of contemporary collecting

Museums Association, Public “highly cautious” about returning to museums

Museums Association, Taskforce to support reopening of cultural sector in England

NEMO, Museum lives in post-pandemia (webinar)

Observatório de Políticas de Comunicação e Cultura, Impactos da COVID-19 no
setor cultural português: Resultados preliminares de março de 2020

On the Move, Corona Virus: Resources: Arts, Culture and Cultural Mobility

Shugoll Research, Coronavirus Theater Survey

Shugoll Research, Coronavirus Theater Survey: Washington, DC Metropolitan Area – Quantitative Research Findings

Shugoll Research, Coronavirus Theater Survey: New York – Quantitative Research Findings

Shugoll Research, Coronavirus Theater Survey: National Sample Of Theatergoers – Quantitative Research Findings

Slover Linett Audience Research, Culture and Community in a Time of Crisis

Slover Linett Audience Research, Key findings from Wave 1

Springboard for the Arts: Principles of ethical cancellation

Springboard for the Arts: Coronavirus/Covid-19 resources for artists

Stéphane Davet, Rosita Boisseau, Brigitte Salino et Sylvain Siclier, Rouvrir les salles selon les préconisations sanitaires du ministère de la culture

Take A Part, NON-Digital Ways of Engaging Creatively in a COVID World

Theresa Machemer, Italy’s Museums Reopen With Vibrating Social-Distancing Necklaces, Limited Admission

UNESCO, Museums around the world in the face of COVID-19

WolfBrown, COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor

WolfBrown, Audience Outlook Monitor results

2. Artigos e posts

Acesso Cultura, Em que pensas…? (resumos das conversas)

Adele Redmond, Museum freelancers to sector: ‘Fight for us’

Adrienne Lalli Hills (Wyandotte Nation), #KeepThePeopleDancing: Futures in Digital Engagement

Alex Greenberger, Reopening a Museum After Quarantine: See Photos of Temperature Checks, Face Masks and New Systems

Alex Marshall, Will socially distanced rehearsals leave space for good theater?

Alexandra Prado Coelho, Madalena Victorino e Giacomo Scalisi: à procura da resposta “mais humana”

Andrew Anderson, Tomorrow’s World: Classical Music beyond Isolation

Andrew Miller, The other side: resetting the dial for inclusion

Andrew Taylor, Safety, Solvency, Services

António Pedro Lopes, Não estamos todos no mesmo barco

António Pinto Ribeiro, O cultural no mundo que há-de vir

Arlene Dávila, In Memoriam of the Art World’s Romance With Diversity

Artie Vierkant, Flatten the cube: Post-internet art’s lessons for our current crisis and what comes after

Artnews, Museums in Europe at the time of Coronavirus

Atta Tarki , Paul Levy and Jeff Weiss, The Coronavirus Crisis Doesn’t Have to Lead to Layoffs

Beth Ponte, Reabertura cultural além dos protocolos

Brian Hogarth, Code red  for the museum education profession

Brian Logan, Comedy’s coronavirus crisis: ‘performers are in deep, deep trouble’

Carlos Moura-Carvalho, Medidas para a cultura em estado de emergência

Charlotte Higgins, After the war, the arts came back stronger. They can do so again now

Cherie Hu, The legal underbelly of livestreaming concerts

Dan Hicks, Before lockdown, the Public Was Agitating for a Revolution in the Way Museums Operate. Will This Crisis Finally Force Through Change?

Dan Spock, Museums: essential or non-essential?

David Resnicow, Museums Have Moved Online, But They Must Reinvent Themselves to Thrive

Deborah Cullinan, The time for hope and imagination

Deborah Fisher, To Survive the Challenges Ahead, Cultural Institutions Will Need to Redefine the Value of Art. Here’s How They Can Do It

Dennie Palmer Wolf, Teaching artists as essential workers: respect, collaboration and heft

Ellice Engdahl, Empathy-Informed Balance in the Age of Coronavirus and Beyond

Emily Wilson, At this museum, education staff prove more vital than ever during pandemic

Evan Dawson, Learning from experience with isolated audiences in lockdown

Fergus Linehan, Why it’s time to rethink the Edinburgh International Festival

Frances d´Emilio, Uffizi, accustomed to taming crowds, looks to outbreak’s end

François Matarasso, This is what we´re working to protect

François Matarasso, What are we saving and why?

François Matarasso, How can community art continue?

Gareth Harris, L´International museum group commissions artists to make ‘balcony art’

Genevieve Beller, Rebuilding a better theater industry post-pandemic

Gerador, Em cenário de pandemia, as fragilidades da cultura ficam a descoberto

Gerador, O acesso gratuito da cultura online: um problema de sustentabilidade?

Gerador, Acesso à cultura: no (sub)mundo onde as cores têm texturas e os detalhes escapam por entre as mãos

Gonçalo Frota, Inês Nadais e Sérgio C. Andrade, Teatros apostam tudo na rentrée de Setembro – e virão mudados

Hakim Bishara, 13% of Museums Worldwide May Close Permanently Due to COVID-19, Studies Say

Holly Pich, History in the making: how libraries are capturing the pandemic for posterity

Howard Reich, CSO [Chicago Symphony Orchestra] chief Riccardo Muti, colleagues contemplate season of silence and surprising ways they could resume

Hugo Cruz, O desconfinamento e as decisões para um outro futuro

Ian Youngs, We´re clinging on – Theatre leaders discuss lockdown turmoil

IETM, Theatre in Italy at the time of Coronavirus

Indigo Holcombe-James, Coronavirus: as culture moves online, regional organisations need help bridging the digital divide

Isabel Salema, Quem são os precários da cultura que podem receber o apoio de 1314 euros?

Jacques Mandelbaum, Coronavirus : les festivals de cinéma cherchent une issue

Jasmine Weber, American Alliance of Museums Asks Congress to Allot $4B for Nonprofit Museums

Jason Porter, Making the case for museum education in the midst of a crisis

Jennifer Stahl, Scared Your Company Might Close? These Artists Have Been Through It, And Have Some Advice

Joan Baldwin, The discomfort you’re feeling

Joan Baldwin, Museum women, working and COVID-19

Joan Baldwin, Navigating fear as museum doors open

João Fernandes e Marcelo Araújo, O normal não era normal: que museus queremos depois da pandemia?

João Neto, Esta separação social vai ter de se manter

John Holden, Crises can bring out our best selves: let’s not waste yet another one

Jonathan Knott, Blockbusters could be replaced by collections-based shows after COVID-19 crisis

Jonathan Mandell, Pandemic theater aesthetic

Jorge Silva Melo, Vão abrir teatros. E nós?

Joris Mathieu, Un désirable futur?

Judd Grossman, Michael Straus, Catherine K. B. Lucas, Sarah E. Schuster, What legal rights do artists and galleries have during a pandemic?

Julian Reynolds, The ‘new normal’: will the only artists left be enthusiastic amateurs?

Justin Davidson, What socially distanced live performance might look like

Kate Kellaway, What next for the arts? Rufus Norris and Maria Balshaw swap notes

Kate Meyers Emery, Creative, authentic and united: digital engagement during COVID-19

Laura Collins-Hughes, As Theaters Stare Down Uncertainty, Ars Nova Buys Itself Time

Leah Hamilton, Crisis management: a new approach for arts managers

Liv Nilssen, Turning refunds into donations

Lucinda Canelas e Luís Miguel Queirós, Ministra da Cultura promete “promete resolver de uma vez por todas” estatuto de profissional da cultura

Luís Miguel Queirós, Ver espectáculos de máscara em salas semivazias? “É como ir ao teatro a Saturno”

Lyn Gardner, How Gateshead International Festival of Theatre has avoided cancellation

Madeleine Grynsztejn, In a post-COVID world, what museums do outside their walls will become as important as what they put on them

Manuel Borja-Villel, What Will It Take for Museums to Rise Again—and What They Can Do in the Meantime

Maria Vlachou, O melhor que pudermos: re-estabelecer prioridades para os profissionais da cultura em tempos de crise

Maria Vlachou, Será isto um reagendamento de “business as usual”?

Maria Vlachou, Leituras da quarentena #2 e uma primeira versão da minha lista de desejos

Marina D.J. Barham, Message from Palestine

Matthew Cock, Will it be worth it? The re-opening barriers facing visually impaired people

Museums Association, Coronavirus: How will it affect museums and what can be done to mitigate the impact

Nadja Sayej, The coronavirus museum: how historians are documenting the pandemic

Nina Simon, How Can I Contribute? Four Steps I’m Taking to Figure it Out

Nobl Academy, Strategy and Culture: How to emerge stronger after the COVID crash

Patrícia do Vale, Tudo será instagramável? O museu por reinventar

Patrick Eakin Young, The dawn chorus

Patrick Eakin Young, Bench rest

Peter Maxwell, The rise of the virtual gallery tour: what works and what doesn’t (yet)

Philippe Dagen, Les musées veulent repenser les expositions en se recentrant sur leurs collections

Raja Feather Kelly, Has anyone asked artists what they need

Raquel Vidales, Los teatros alternativos no reabrirán al público al menos hasta septiembre

Reem Kassem, Governance during crisis: a case study from Egypt

Robert Hewison, When this is all over we must reimagine the infrastructure of the arts

Rosita Boisseau, Coronavirus : le monde du cirque inquiet pour son avenir

Rui Tavares, Devemos deixar morrer a cultura que nos ajuda a sobreviver?

Sally Tallant, Notes from the lockdown: Making a situated museum in Queens

Sam Conniff, Too early for optimism

Sam Mendes, How we can save our theatres

Sam Ramos, What Relevance Can Art Have for Frontline Providers Right Now?

Sandro Debono, The empty museum

Sarah Cascone, Just how bad is the lockdown for museums?

Sarah Hemming, The Public Theater’s Oskar Eustis: ‘We’ll go to where you are’

Sari Feldman, Public libraries after the pandemic

Simon Brault, Putting people first: COVID-19 and the Canada Council for the Arts

Simon Brault, Arts and culture in times of solitude and solidarity

Sophie Haigney, When the virus came, some museum directors lost years of work

Stephen Hetherington, After the crisis – a new model for the arts?

Stephen Khan, There is no easy path out of coronavirus for live classical music

Stuart Jeffries, From no deal to New Deal: how Boris Johnson could follow FDR and save the arts

The Incluseum, Equitable Institutional Sustainability In Times Of Crisis

Thomas Rogers, Europe’s museums begin reopening, cautiously, with new rules

Tiago Gueges, Estranha forma de vida

Tiago Rodrigues, Improvavelmente, ser feliz

Tiago Rodrigues, A oportunidade de não aproveitar a falsa oportunidade

Timothy Mangan, Coronavirus conditions make us rethink classical music for decade ahead

Tom Walters, How the coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting the heritage sector

Valentina di Liscia, As the Art World Shuts Down Over COVID-19, Uncertainty Plagues Hourly Workers

Vânia Rodrigues, O que fazer daqui para trás?

Vânia Rodrigues, A nossa casa está a arder

Vânia Rodrigues e Pedro Quintela, Pandemia e cultura: a urgência de um pensamento lento

Zach Finkelnstein, The Post-Covid Concert Hall Catastrophe: Why Audience Attendance is the Least of Our Problems

Zain Dada, No community spaces? No community arts

3. Medidas em Portugal

Mensagem oficial da Ministra da Cultura

Ministério da Cultura, Cultura Covid-19

Ministério da Cultura, Regras de desconfinamento

Direcção-Geral das Artes, Apoio às artes

Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual, Medidas excepcionais

Governo Regional da Madeira, Linha de Apoio de Emergência ao Sector das Artes e da Cultura da Região Autónoma da Madeira

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Fundo de Emergência Social Vertente Cultura

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Fundo de Solidariedade para apoiar os profissionais da cultura

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Apoio de emergência aos artistas e à cultura

Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Apoio à comunidade artística

Fundo de apoio para artistas de Lisboa, uma iniciativa de Anjos 70

Universidade do Minho, O impacto do COVID-19 no sector cultural português

4. Medidas tomadas por governos e outras entidades públicas e privadas noutros países

Alemanha: Espanha, Itália: Artigo de opinião dos Ministros da Cultura, Together we are stronger that the virus

Alemanha: Gemany´s Culture Minister and Chief Conductor set up fund for struggling musicians

Alemanha: German Ministry of Culture, €50 bilhões para apoiar artistas e organizações culturais

Argentina: Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación Argentina, Cultura de la solidaridad: programas y líneas de financiamiento para Cultura

Austrália: Support Act Wellbeing Helpline expands to include all artists and art workers

Austrália: Government launches $175 million arts and music recovery package

Belgium: Informatie COVID-19

Brasil: ITAU Cultural, Arte como Respiro: múltiplos editais de emergência

Canadá: National Arts Centre (Canada) and Facebook will pay musicians for livestreams

Canadá: Canada Council for the Arts: COVID-19 updates and measures for artists

Canadá: Department of Canadian Heritage: Information for Canadian Heritage grants recipients related to COVID-19

Canadá: Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN), Encore!

Comissão Europeia, How the EU responds to the coronavirus outbreak in support of the cultural and creative sectors

Espanha: El Gobierno destinará 76,4 millones de euros a la protección del sector cultural

EUA: Kinkade Family Foundation, Emergency grant for curators

EUA: Anonymous Was A Woman and the New York Foundation for the Arts, Emergency relief grant for women artists

EUA: Cinema worker solidarity fund

EUA: 15 resources for cash-strapped artists hit by coronavirus cuts and closures

EUA: Artists Now Emergency Relief Fund

EUNIC, How is the European cultural sector responding to the current corona crisis (respostas dos governos)

European Cultural Fund, Culture of Solidarity Fund

França: Coronavirus : les intermittents du spectacle bénéficieront d’un dispositif de protection pendant l’été, assure Franck Riester

Grécia: Greek Ministry of Culture, Measures to enhance Modern Culture due to the impact of the health crisis

Quénia: Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage, 100 million fos Artists, Actors and Musicians Stimulus Program

Roménia: Support measures for the Romanian cultural sector in response to the COVID-19 crisis

Reino Unido: Arts Council England, COVID-19 support

Reino Unido: Arts Council England, Financial support for artists, creative practitioners and freelancers

Reino Unido: Arts Council Engand, Emergency Response Funds (data)

Reino Unido, Arts Council Wales, Responding to coronavirus (Covid-19)

Reino Unido: Boris Johnson pledges £1.5bn lifeline to keep UK’s arts sector afloat

Reino Unido: Sam Mendes launches fund for theatre workers hit by Covid-19 crisis

Rússia: Potanin Foundation, Common cause

Singapura: National Arts Council, Singapore: Sustaining the arts during COVID-19

Suécia/Comissão Europeia: State aid – Commission approves €38 million Swedish scheme to compensate damages caused by cancelled or postponed cultural events due to coronavirus outbreak

5. Campanhas, manifestos e abaixo-assinados para criar consciência sobre a situação no sector cultural

Alemanha: Hilfen für Freiberufler und Künstler während des Corona-Shutdowns

Bélgica: By State of the Arts (EN / NL)

Bulgária: an emergency petition to support the independent cultural sector in Bulgaria

Espanha: Suspensión inmediata del pago de autónomos mientras dure la crisis del coronavirus

Espanha: 52 medidas extraordinarias para el sector de las artes escénicas y la música

EUA, The People’s Cultural Plan – An Urgent List of Demands for Arts and Culture in the Face of NYC State of Emergency

Europa: NEMO, Survey on the impact of the COVID-19 situation on museums in Europe

Europa: Opera Europa, The existential impact of theatre closures

Europa: PEARLE, The Live Performance calls for a joint and proportionate approach to reopening venues and events to audiences

European Cultural Foundation, Culture of Solidarity Fund

European Cultural Foundation, Uphold culture in the EU budget

França: Pétition pour le soutien des intermittents

ICOM – CECA: Covid 19 threatens severely museum education

IETM, Rescue the Arts: plea to national governments

Internacional: Arts&Education, Open letter to museums and galleries in support of education and other essential workers

Itália: To support precarious workers and freelancers

Itália: Arts Workers Italia

Polónia: Open letter/petition to the Minister of Culture 

Portugal: Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Espectáculos, do Audiovisual e dos Músicos (Cena-STE) pede aos trabalhadores do espectáculo e do audiovisual para avaliarem as suas perdas

Portugal: Manifesto em defesa de um Presente com Futuro

Portugal: Carta aberta – Os invisíveis da cultura

Portugal: SOS ARTE PT

Portugal: Petição Artesjuntxs, Apelo à implementação de medidas de emergência excecionais no Sector Artístico

Portugal: Bolsas de criação artística para que os artistas sobrevivam, se democratize mais a arte e se imagine o Futuro

Portugal: Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal – Conservação e Restauro | Medidas e apoios para o Sector no âmbito do COVID-19

Portugal: Unidos pelos Presente e Futuro da Cultura em Portugal

Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Museologia, Carta sobre a reabertura dos museus, palácios, monumentos, sítios arqueológicos, instituições que preservam espécies vivas, centros interpretativos e centros de Ciência Viva de Portugal

Portugal: Associação de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas (BAD), Tomada de posição: Arquivos e Bibliotecas durante a pandemia de COVID-19

Reino Unido: Compass, Basic income conversation: Security for all, whatever it takes

Reino Unido: Museum Freelance, An Open Letter To UK Museums, Libraries, Heritage Sites, Archives And Galleries And Their Sector Organisations From The Museum Freelance Network 

Reino Unido: Open letter to the Culture Secretary – #WeShallNotBeRemoved

Reino Unido: The importance of participatory arts – An open letter

República Checa: Festival of Nothing 2020

Ucrânia: Heads of major cultural institutions wrote an open letter/request to Ukrainian Prime Minister urging to review their decision of the the Ministry of Finance to radically cut their budgets (in Ukrainian)

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